
Legal Articles: Lawfer Submission Guide for Researchers

Here's a detailed guide for researchers:

Submission Process:

Formatting Requirements:

Fonts and Spacing:

– Use a standard, easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman or Arial.

– Set the font size to 12-point.

– Double-space the entire document for readability.

Headings and Subheadings:

– Use clear and consistent headings to organize your content.

– Follow a standard hierarchy (e.g., Heading 1, Heading 2) to indicate the level of importance.

Word Limit:

– Adhere to the specified word limit (not less than 1500).


– Include a concise abstract summarizing your article's key points and findings.

– Limit the abstract to around 150-200 words.


– Follow a recognized citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) or links.

– Include a comprehensive bibliography or list of references at the end of your article.

Article Structure:


– Clearly state the purpose and scope of your article.

– Introduce the key issues or questions you'll address.


– Organize your content logically with clear transitions between sections.

– Support arguments with legal analysis, examples, and references.


Relevant Questions to Address (within the article or separately):

– What legal issue or question does your research address?

– How does your research contribute to the existing legal knowledge or literature?

– What methodologies or approaches did you employ in your research?

– What are the potential practical implications of your findings for legal professionals?

– Are there any limitations to your research that should be acknowledged?

Content Guidelines:

Originality: Ensure your article is original and has not been published elsewhere.

– Articles will undergo necessary checks. Do not use AI for writing; it may result in rejection.

Relevance: Align your content with legal topics and interests relevant to the Law.

Review and Approval Process:

– Submitted articles undergo a review process to ensure they meet Lawfer's quality standards.

– Expect feedback or requests for revisions from the editorial team.

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