
Call For Papers by LHSS Collective, MNLU, Mumbai: Submit by April 15

Creating a comprehensive and detailed paraphrase of the original text with the aim of expanding it to over 1000 words while retaining all the original information poses a challenge, particularly because the initial text serves a very specific, informational purpose regarding an event and a call for papers. However, I can enrich the content by diving deeper into the significance, context, and implications of the information provided, as well as the potential impact of such an event on the academic and global community.

Bridging the Divide: The LHSS Collective's Vision

In the realm of academic research, particularly at the confluence of law, humanities, and social sciences, there exists a pronounced disparity in perspective and representation. The majority of scholarly work that investigates the nexus of these fields has historically emerged from the Global North, leaving voices, perspectives, and insights from the Global South on the periphery. This imbalance not only skews the academic discourse but also limits the global community's understanding of how law intersects with social sciences and humanities across different cultures and societies.

Understanding the critical need to bridge this gap, Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai has taken a pioneering step through the establishment of the Law, Humanities, and Social Sciences Collective (LHSS Collective). This initiative is a clarion call for inclusivity, aiming to dismantle the geographical and intellectual barriers that have marginalized the Global South in these crucial conversations. The LHSS Collective is dedicated to constructing platforms that facilitate the articulation and dissemination of ideas, thereby fostering a more balanced and enriched discourse that values perspectives from across the globe. This mission is not just about giving space to underrepresented voices but about reshaping the landscape of academic research in law, humanities, and social sciences to be truly global in its outlook and consideration.

Unveiling the Symposium: A Confluence of Minds and Ideas

At the heart of LHSS Collective's endeavors is the LHSS International Symposium, a virtual beacon of scholarly exchange designed to assemble a diverse tapestry of scholars, students, and legal practitioners. This event, set to span across two enlightening days on the 11th and 12th of May, 2024, is not merely a continuation but an evolution of its inaugural edition's success. The symposium is a crucible for the exploration of the dynamic interactions between law and the social sciences, offering a fertile ground for the sowing of new ideas and the growth of a deeper comprehension of the multifaceted crises that law faces in our times.

The importance of this symposium lies not only in its academic rigor but also in its inclusivity and the breadth of its discourse. Featuring some of the most eminent figures in the field, the event promises to be a landmark occasion that amplifies voices and perspectives that have long been sidelined. It is an opportunity for attendees to immerse themselves in discussions that challenge conventional boundaries and foster an understanding of law through the prisms of humanity and society, especially from the vantage point of the Global South.

A Call to Intellectual Arms: Themes and Participation

Central to the LHSS International Symposium by MNLU call for papers, an invitation to the academic community to contribute their insights and research at the intersection of law with humanities and social sciences. This call is not just about gathering a collection of papers but is a rallying cry for thinkers, researchers, and practitioners to engage with themes that are of paramount importance in today’s world.

The themes selected for this edition of the symposium are both diverse and urgent, reflecting the collective’s commitment to addressing critical issues from multiple dimensions.

These themes include:

– The multifaceted relationship between globalization, crisis, and law, exploring how global interconnectedness impacts legal frameworks and practices.

– The legal dimensions of humanitarian crises, whether through the lens of international law or other legal paradigms, examining how law responds to and manages human suffering and displacement.

– The specific challenges and crises faced by the Global South in the legal domain, offering insights into regional struggles and their global implications.

– The medico-legal states of exception, an exploration of how crises, whether pandemics or other emergencies, challenge and reshape the boundaries between medicine and law.

– The pressing issue of climate crisis and environmental justice, a theme that calls for a deep dive into how legal systems can and should respond to environmental degradation and climate change.

Key Milestones and Participation Details

The process leading up to the symposium is marked by several key dates and milestones. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is set for the 15th of April, 2024, offering potential participants ample time to refine their proposals. Following a careful review process, decisions on these abstracts will be communicated by the 20th of April, ensuring that all contributors are promptly informed of the status of their submissions. Subsequent to this, the registration deadline for confirmed participants and attendees is the 25th of April, 2024, finalizing the roster of individuals who will be part of this intellectual gathering.

For those interested in contributing to or participating in the symposium, the collective has provided a straightforward avenue for inquiries and submissions. Prospective participants are encouraged to reach out via email at or through a direct phone call to 022 2570 3188, between 10:30 AM and 4:30 PM on working days, for any questions or further information.

Conclusion: A Symposium of Significance

The LHSS International Symposium stands as a significant milestone not just for the Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai but for the global academic community. It represents a forward step in the journey towards a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable academic discourse that genuinely reflects the global mosaic of cultures, legal systems, and societal challenges. This symposium is more than an event; it is a testament to the power of ideas and the unyielding belief in the potential of collective intellectual effort to foster change and understanding across the divides of geography, culture, and academic discipline.

The brochure is here.

Call For Papers by LHSS Collective, MNLU, Mumbai

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