Second Mar Gregorios National Moot Court Competition by Mar Gregorios College of Law (MGCL) [9-11 January 2025, Thiruvananthapuram, Hybrid Mode, Prizes Worth ₹100,000], Register by: 15 October 2024

Second Mar Gregorios National Moot Court Competition by Mar Gregorios College of Law (MGCL)

About Mar Gregorios College of Law (MGCL): 

Nestled in the serene surroundings of Mar Ivanios Vidya Nagar, Mar Gregorios College of Law (MGCL) is Kerala’s only NAAC-accredited law college. Established in 2012, the institution offers integrated law courses like B.A. LL.B., BBA LL.B., and B.Com LL.B., along with an LL.M in Constitutional Law. MGCL aims to foster legal education excellence while shaping the future of aspiring legal professionals.

About the Event: 

The Second Mar Gregorios National Moot Court Competition (MGNMCC) is an esteemed event focusing on enhancing participants’ legal research and advocacy skills. The competition offers a platform for law students to argue real-life legal problems and engage in high-level discourse with expert judges. Prizes are awarded for Best Memorial, Best Advocate, Best Researcher, and more. This year’s problem pertains to constitutional and legal rights, ensuring a challenging and insightful experience for participants.

Event Dates: 

Competition Dates: 9-11 January 2025 
Preliminary Oral Rounds (Online): 9-10 November 2024 
Final Registration: 10 December 2024 
Submission of Memorials (Soft Copy): 26 December 2024 
Submission of Memorials (Hard Copy): 30 December 2024 


Memorials: Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spacing, ILI Footnoting Style. 
Footnotes: Times New Roman, 10pt, single spacing. 
Page Limit: Memorials must not exceed 35 pages excluding cover, index, and annexures.


– Preliminary Rounds (Online)
– Final Rounds (Physical): Mar Gregorios College of Law, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala


– Preliminary Registration Deadline: 15 October 2024 
– Preliminary Registration Fee: ₹2000 
– Final Registration Fee (for selected teams): ₹3000 


– Total prizes worth ₹100,000, including awards for the **Best Memorial**, **Best Advocate**, **Best Researcher**, and more.

Important Links: 

– Registration Form: [Click here
– Email for Queries: 

For more details, visit: [MGCL Website].

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