Protests Erupt at RGNUL Over Allegations Against Vice Chancellor, Demands for His Resignation Intensify

The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Patiala, has become a focal point of controversy as student protests continue to intensify over allegations of inappropriate behavior by the Vice Chancellor (VC). The protests, which began on September 22, 2024, have now gained significant momentum, with students demanding the immediate resignation of the VC. The primary grievance revolves around claims that the VC entered the girls’ hostel without prior permission and allegedly made inappropriate remarks regarding the attire of the female students.

Incident That Sparked the Protests

The unrest began after reports surfaced that the VC had entered the girls’ hostel, violating students’ privacy by doing so without their consent. During the visit, it is alleged that the VC commented on the clothing choices of the female students in a manner that was deemed inappropriate. The incident was seen as an overreach of authority and an invasion of personal space, triggering widespread anger among the student body, particularly female students who felt unsafe and uncomfortable with the VC’s actions.

Students have expressed their frustration not just over the incident but also over what they describe as a pattern of authoritarian behavior from the university’s administration. The students claim that they have been dealing with an environment where their voices and concerns have been systematically ignored, and this latest incident became the tipping point for many.

Student Protests and Key Demands

Since the incident, hundreds of students have taken part in sit-in protests and demonstrations on the RGNUL campus. Their primary demand is the immediate resignation of the VC, arguing that his actions are unbecoming of a person in such a high position of responsibility, especially at a university that prides itself on legal education and ethical conduct.

The students have also raised broader concerns about governance at the university, including a lack of transparency, inadequate facilities, and unaddressed grievances related to student welfare. They argue that the VC’s behavior is symptomatic of larger issues within the administration that need to be addressed.

One of the protesters, speaking on condition of anonymity, stated, “We are not just fighting for justice in this particular instance; we are fighting for a system where students feel heard and respected. The VC’s actions show a complete disregard for our rights, and this is not something we can tolerate.”

Punjab State Commission for Women’s Involvement

Amid growing unrest, the Punjab State Commission for Women intervened in the matter. Chairperson Raj Lali Gill visited the university to address the students’ concerns and promised a thorough investigation into the incident. The Commission has taken the matter seriously, given the sensitive nature of the allegations and the scale of the student protests.

Raj Lali Gill, during her visit, assured the protesting students that their voices would not go unheard and that appropriate action would be taken after an impartial investigation. In a statement, she said, “The safety and dignity of female students are paramount, and we will not allow any incident that undermines these values to go unchecked. We will ensure that justice is served.”

The Commission has since escalated the matter by writing to the President of India, recommending the removal of the Vice Chancellor. This action indicates the gravity of the situation and the potential for larger administrative changes within the university.

Support from Public Figures

In addition to the involvement of the Women’s Commission, the protests have garnered support from prominent public figures. Shashi Tharoor, a well-known politician and former diplomat, voiced his support for the students, urging the university to address their concerns with sincerity. Tharoor’s endorsement of the students’ demands added weight to their cause, further highlighting the widespread discontent with the administration’s handling of the situation.

Similarly, Preneet Kaur, a senior Congress leader and former Minister of State for External Affairs, expressed solidarity with the students. She called for a thorough investigation into the incident and emphasized the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful environment for students, particularly women, in educational institutions.

The involvement of these figures has helped bring national attention to the protests at RGNUL, placing additional pressure on the university administration to take meaningful action.

University Administration’s Response

The RGNUL administration has largely remained silent in the face of the protests, a move that has only fueled further anger among the students. Despite the growing calls for the VC’s resignation, there has been no official statement from the university addressing the allegations or the ongoing protests.

The silence from the administration has been perceived by many as an attempt to sweep the matter under the rug, prompting students to continue their protests with renewed vigor. Some students have reported being approached by external figures, allegedly sent by the administration, to persuade them to stop protesting. These attempts to stifle the protests have only reinforced the students’ belief that the administration is more concerned with damage control than with addressing their legitimate concerns.

Larger Implications for Campus Governance

The ongoing protests at RGNUL have raised larger questions about governance and accountability at educational institutions in India. Students have called for reforms that go beyond the immediate resignation of the VC, advocating for greater transparency, improved grievance redressal mechanisms, and a more student-centric approach to administration.

One protestor, speaking to the media, emphasized, “This is not just about one person or one incident. This is about creating an environment where students feel safe and heard, and where those in power are held accountable for their actions. We want lasting changes, not just a quick fix.”

The involvement of the Punjab State Commission for Women and public figures like Shashi Tharoor and Preneet Kaur suggests that the situation at RGNUL may become a catalyst for broader discussions on campus governance across India. As the protests continue, there is growing anticipation over whether the university administration will concede to the students’ demands or whether the situation will escalate further.


The protests at RGNUL have underscored the importance of maintaining a respectful and safe environment for students, particularly women, in educational institutions. The demands for the resignation of the Vice Chancellor, following allegations of inappropriate behavior, have sparked a larger movement for accountability and governance reform within the university.

As the situation unfolds, the involvement of the Punjab State Commission for Women and support from national figures indicate that the protests may lead to significant changes within RGNUL’s administration. Whether the VC will step down or whether the university will take alternative measures to address the students’ concerns remains to be seen. For now, the protests continue, and the students remain steadfast in their demands for justice and reform.

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