Title: 2025 INTA Asia-Pacific Moot Court Competition (APAC) by International Trademark Association (February 8-9, 2025, New Delhi, India, Cash Prizes up to USD 4,500), Register by November 15, 2024

International Trademark Association
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About the Organization:

The International Trademark Association (INTA) established the APAC Moot Court Competition in 2017 to extend the success of its U.S.-based Saul Lefkowitz Moot Court Competition, which began in 1990. This annual competition, rotating across participating countries in Asia, focuses on international trademark and unfair competition law. It is a platform for law students to improve their legal research, brief writing, and oral advocacy skills by simulating real courtroom experiences.

About the Event:

The 2025 INTA Asia-Pacific Moot Court Competition (APAC) is an excellent opportunity for law students across Asia-Pacific to engage with critical issues in international trademark law. Participants will write legal briefs and present oral arguments on a fictional case concerning trademark and unfair competition law. The competition promotes legal advocacy and highlights issues of international significance.

The competition is divided into two stages:

  1. Brief Submission: A written legal argument on the case’s issues.
  2. Oral Arguments: Conducted in-person in New Delhi, India, on February 8-9, 2025.

Event Dates:

  • Registration Deadline: November 15, 2024 (Early registration encouraged)
  • Brief Submission Deadline: November 15, 2024
  • Notification of Selected Teams for Oral Rounds: December 9, 2024
  • Oral Rounds: February 8-9, 2025

Formatting Guidelines for Brief Submission:

  1. The brief should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages, excluding the cover page, table of contents, authorities, case summary, and appendices.
  2. Use Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12, with 1-inch margins on A4 paper.
  3. Page numbers should be at the bottom right corner.
  4. All citations should follow the Bluebook 21st edition.

Team Composition:

  • Teams must consist of 2 to 4 students from the same law school or higher education institution.
  • Students must be currently enrolled and not hold a law degree or be licensed to practice law.
  • LL.M. students without prior law degrees are eligible.
  • Teams may have faculty advisors, but all research and brief writing must be done by the participants.


  • The competition is open to law students from universities across Asia-Pacific, provided they are eligible for admission to practice law after graduation.
  • No team member should hold a law degree or be licensed to practice law in any jurisdiction.

Oral Argument Format:

  • Teams will argue both as Appellant and Respondent in two preliminary rounds on February 8, 2025.
  • The top 8 teams will advance to the quarter-finals on February 9, 2025.
  • Each team will have 30 minutes for oral arguments in the preliminary rounds and 40 minutes in the quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals.
  • Arguments should remain within the scope of the brief.


  • Winning Team: USD 3,000 + USD 1,000 to the team’s law school
  • Runners-Up: USD 1,500
  • Best Oralist: USD 1,000
  • Best Brief: USD 500

Submission and Registration:

  • Register by: November 15, 2024
  • Submission Link: Click Here
  • Teams must submit their briefs as a PDF file via the official INTA portal using their assigned team code.


The oral rounds will take place in person at the venue in New Delhi, India. Teams are responsible for their travel and accommodation arrangements.


For more information, email at APACMootCourt@inta.org.

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